Time To Castrate Judges?
Fact 1. At least 90+% of people - both men and women - would rather be
forcibly raped, sexually assaulted or heinously abused than lose their children.
Fact 2. Some judges are now exonerating women who have killed their partners
on the grounds that they have been 'abused' by them.
From these two facts, it should follow that
judges should be exonerating men who kill women who have taken away their
children (because - as both sexes agree - this is worse than being 'abused').
In other words, if it is considered legitimate for a woman to kill a man for
'abusing' her, then it should surely be legitimate for a man to kill a woman who
is taking away his children - something that is considered to be worse than
'abuse' by both genders.
Indeed, it should follow that judges should be exonerating men who kill judges
who have taken away their children.
And when the men's movement is strong enough, it will surely be argued by many
men that men who have killed judges who took away their children should be
And, no doubt, many men will engage in highly vocal and aggressive public
campaigns to have released from prison any men who have been imprisoned for
killing judges who took away their children.
And, do you know what?
Their campaigns will be successful; because that's how a world works when it is not based on justice but on
the demands of powerful activist groups.
And in the same way that the feminists and the women's groups have cheered
loudly outside of the courtrooms as women who have killed their partners have been
set free on the grounds that
they were merely responding to 'abuse', men's groups will cheer as men who have killed
judges will begin to walk free.
They will be heroes.
They will be heroes.
They will have fought the oppressors who have taken away their children and
who have helped to destroy the fabric of their own societies by making it impossible
for men to be fathers; or even to be men.
They will be given medals and bravery awards.
(Just as was given to Kiranjit Ahluwalia by Tony Blair's wife because she killed her husband
while he was asleep; e.g. see Does The Home Office Willfully Stir Up Domestic Violence?)

But, Angry Harry. Exonerating men who kill judges is encouraging violence! It is encouraging
Silly man. Of course it isn't!
It such a thing was encouraging murder, then these most noble and just of
judges would not now be exonerating women who have killed their partners.
They would not doooo such a thing.
For they are just!
No. No. Women are not encouraged to commit acts of violence or murder when
they know that they will get away Scott free.
No Sirreee.
Those good judges and politicians have told us so - by both their words
and their actions.
Their views are unmistakable!
But, Angry Harry.
The majority of people are not going to support exonerating men who have
killed judges - or even politicians.
Why not, if they took away their children? That's even worse than rape!
And just about everybody says so.
(And, in a few years time, it will actually sound like it's
a lot worse than rape!)
Who needs the support of the majority? A few thousand persistently angry men will do the trick.
You see. As the organism of 'men' grows, and thousands of men begin to
demand their rights back, and thousands of men begin to understand what they
have lost by having been denied contact with their very own children, some of
them will be none too pleased.
To say the least.
Some of them will be very hurt.
Yes indeed.
Very hurt.
All those lost years!
Never to return.
They will be positively fuming.
And some of them will even be genuinely crazy. You should see some of them already in the movement!
Boy. Would I hate to be on the wrong side of them if they got too fired
And the organism that is the men's movement will gradually be winding them
up - unwittingly, of course.
There is no way of avoiding this.
And there sit the smug-faced judges who claimed that they were dishing out
justice when they took away the children from these fathers,
exonerated women who killed them, and who even corrupted the whole system of
justice so that they would be at the mercy of whoever might accuse them.
These judges won't have a moral leg to stand on. And, even more importantly, they will have no address where they can hide.
But there you are. What do you expect? This is the kind of thing that happens when judges and politicians are
morally corrupt.
Ho Hum.
And then, of course, after a couple of killings (totally justified, of
course, judging by today's notions of justice) the judges and the politicians
will back off.
the whole system is being stacked
against men. We need to change it."
"Hmm," they will say. "Perhaps it would be better after all
if we do not exonerate women or give them bravery awards for the cold
premeditated murders of their partners. And perhaps it would be best if we gave a
little more support to fathers. And, come to think of it, the whole system is
being stacked against men. We need to change it."
But let me make it very clear that I would never advocate violence unless it
is absolutely necessary to prevent worse violence.
But many men will soon be arguing most strongly that a man who killed someone who was
involved in taking away his children should be exonerated. And that's not advocating violence.
There's a difference!
Indeed, the noble judges and politicians tell us so.
And I am merely following their lead and bowing to their superior moral
If they say that it is OK to kill men because they have 'abused' you,
then, so be it.
If they say that it is OK to kill men because they have 'abused' you,
then, so be it.
And if they think that it is OK to applaud and to hand out bravery awards
to women who have killed their partners, then, so be it.